BusMan U3 AOS1

Cards (42)

  • Sole Trader
    A business owned and operated by one person who is legally responsible for all aspects of the business
  • Unlimited liability
    The business owner is personally responsible for all the debts of his or her business.
  • Partnership
    A business owned by a minimum of two and maximum of 20 people
  • Incorporation
    The process that businesses go through to become a registered company and separate legal entity
  • Social enterprise
    A privately owned business that exists primarily to fulfil a vision that benefits the public or community rather than shareholders.
  • GBE
    A type of business that is owned and operated by the government with the goal of making a profit
  • Objective
    A desired goal, outcome or specific result that a business intends to achieve
  • Strategy
    Outlines the actions taken in order to achieve an objective
  • Business objectives
    • To make a profit
    • To increase market share
    • To improve efficiency
    • To improve effectiveness
    • To fulfil a social need
    • To meet shareholder expectations
    • To fulfil a market need
  • Profit
    The amount of income or money remaining when expenses are deducted from revenue
  • Market share
    The percentage of sales that one business had compared to competitors in the same industry
  • Market need
    a gap in the industry that has not been satisfied by existing businesses
  • Social need
    When businesses set a target to develop strategies which benefit the community
  • Shareholder
    An individual or entity who has invested money in a business, hoping to earn dividends and increase the value of their shares
  • efficiency
    How well a business uses resources to achieve objectives
  • Effectiveness
    The degree to which stated objectives have been achieved
  • Stakeholder
    An individual or group of individuals who have vested interest in the success of an organisation
  • Owners
    A person or group of people that possess a company
  • Managers
    The people who have the responsibility for successfully achieving the objectives of the business
  • Employees
    The people who work for the business and who expect to be paid fairly, trained properly and treated ethically in return for their contribution to production.
  • Customers
    The people who purchase goods and services from the business, expecting high quality at competitive prices
  • Suppliers
    Businesses or individuals who supply materials and other resources to a business so that it can conduct its operations.
  • an autocratic management style involves a manager making decisions and directing employees without any input from them
  • A persuasive management style involves a manager making decisions and communicating the reasons for those decisions to employees without their input
  • A consultative management style involves a manager seeking input from employees on business decisions but making the final decision themselves
  • A participative management style involves a manager sharing information with employees so that employees can participate in decision making
  • A laissez-faire management style involves a manager communicating business objectives to employees and giving them freedom to make decisions independently.
  • Management skills are the abilities or competencies that managers use to help them to complete the tasks that are necessary for the achievement of business objectives.
  • Communication is the transfer of information from a sender to a receiver. Communication can occur both within and outside the business.
  • Delegation is where formal authority is passed down
  • Planning is the process of determining a business's objectives and establishing strategies to achieve their aims
  • Leading occurs when managers endeavour to influence or motivate people in the business to work to achieve the business objectives.
  • Decision-making is the skill of selecting a suitable course of action from a range of plausible options.
  • Personal skills are skills used by a manager when they have to deal with people on a personal level, such as lead, motivate, communicate, manage conflict and build team rapport.
  • All business's have a corporate culture, which is the values, ideas, expectations and beliefs shared by members of the business.
  • Official corporate culture is a set of values and beliefs that the business wants to present to the public as its own.
  • Real corporate culture is the actual or prevailing culture that exists within a business.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
    is the ethical conduct of a business beyond legal obligations, and the consideration of social, economic, and environmental impacts when making business decisions.
  • Levels of planning :
    operational - short term
    tactical - medium term
    Strategic - long term
  • 5 strategies of planning :
    1 - setting objectives
    2 - Analysing the present situation and future opportunities (SWOT)
    3 - Developing and evaluating alternatives
    4 - Implementing the plan
    5 - monitoring and reviewing results