Book 17 - Odysseus goes to town

Cards (8)

  • ’Go upstairs to your
    Room with your ladies’ (Telemachus)
  • Lacked the strength
    to come nearer to his master [Argus]
  • The black hand of death descended on 

    him the moment he caught sight of Odysseus [Argus]
  • [Odysseus] collecting scraps from
    the suitors … to distinguish the good from the bad
  • ‘Haven’t we vagabonds
    enough already’ (Antinous)
  • ‘Antinous you may be nobly
    born but there’s nothing noble in your speech’ (Odysseus)
  • Picking up a stool he 

    threw it and struck Odysseus [Antinous]
  • Though this did not mean
    In the end she was to save a single one from destruction