
Cards (11)

  • What is an ecosystem?
    Interaction of a community of living organisms (biotic) with the non living (abiotic) parts of their environment
  • What does the term 'habitat' refer to?
    The place where an organism lives
  • What is a population in ecological terms?
    Total number of the same species in an area
  • How is a community defined in ecology?
    Populations of different species in the same habitat
  • What do living organisms compete for to survive?
  • What do plants compete for?
    • Light
    • Space
    • Water
    • Mineral ions from the soil
  • What do animals compete for?
    • Food
    • Water
    • Mate
    • Territory
  • What is the term for the dependence of different species in a community on each other?
  • How do different species in a community interact?
    • They depend on each other for food
    • They provide shelter for one another
  • What happens when a species disappears from a community?
    It can affect the whole community
  • What characterizes a stable community?
    • Populations of organisms are balanced
    • Interactions among species are stable