
Subdecks (4)

Cards (1392)

  • Which patient provides support against the multi-store model of memory?
    Patient KF
  • What are three limitations of the multi-store memory model?
    - isn't supported by Case studies such as KF- oversimplified- too much emphasis on rehearsal
  • Who invented the working memory model?
    Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch.
  • What is the phonological loop?
    The phonological loop is the component of the working memory that stores auditory and verbal information and remembers the order that verbal information is presented.
  • What are the two sub-components of the phonological loop?
    The Phonological store (holds the words we hear) and the Articulatory process (allows us to repeat words in a loop)
  • What is subvocal rehearsal?
    Subvocal rehearsal is the process of rehearsing words in our head.
  • What is the capacity of the phonological loop?
    The capacity of the phonological loop is determined by how many words we can say in 2 seconds.
  • What is the word length effect?
    Being able to recall more words in a list of short words than a list of long words.
  • What is the visuo-spatial sketchpad?
    The visuo-spatial sketchpad is the store for visual and spatial information that doesn't require rehearsal.
  • What are the two sub-components of the visuo-spatial sketchpad?
    The visual chase (visual information) and the inner scribe (spacial information)
  • What is the episodic buffer?
    The episodic buffer is a multi model store that combines information from all five senses to create a whole scene of an event.
  • What is the central executive?
    The central executive is the component of the working memory model that manages the activity of the three working memory stores. It is responsible for directing the relevant information to each store and dividing our attention across the stores.
  • What is a dual-task procedure?
    When participants are asked to perform two tasks at once.
  • What symptoms did patient KF display?
    Patient KF lost the ability to retain verbal information in his short-term memory, but could still retain visual information in his short-term memory.
  • How do imaging studies support the working memory model?
    Brain imaging studies show that different areas of the brain are active during different working memory tasks
  • Which researchers found evidence from dual-task studies for distinct working memory stores?
    Gathercole and Baddeley.
  • What are two limitations of the central executive?
    - lack falsifiability- could be made up of multiple cognitive processes