Interaction chain - a donor species affects the abundance of a transmitter and has an effect on a recipient
Interaction modification - the donor species alters some other attribute of the transmitter, such as behavior.
Indirect Interactions:
Keystone predation
Exploitation competition
Apparent competition
Indirect mutualism
Indirect commensalism
Habitat facilitation
Trophic cascade
Pulse experiment: Parameter being measured is only altered or introduced once.
Disturbance is transient
Direct effects measured
Disturbance maintained constantly
Direct and indirect effects measured constantly
Bottom upcontrol is when influence is from lower to higher trophic levels (e.g.release of nutrient limitation by phototrophic growth)
Top down control is when influence is from higher to lower trophic levels (e.g.Myxococcuspredation on E. coli)
Trophic cascade is when an organism affects another organism two or more trophic levels away from them
Removing one part or altering numbers of one part will have effects on the food chain
Myxococcus predate e.coli
Dominant species are species whose influence on their community is due to their high relative abundance
Foundation species influence their community by physically changing their environment
Keystone species are a species whose influence on it’s ecosystem and community is disproportional to it’s abundance.
Tend to be high in the food web as their influence is often through trophic interactions (who is feeding on who)
Keystone to community structure as they maintain it’s integrity and persistence through time
Bacteriodes can bind to glycan-rich food particles and mucus and are considered a keystone species in human gut
r/K selection theory: Selection drives evolution to maximize growth rate (r strategy) or maximum carrying capacity (K strategy)
r-selected species (opportunistic, generalists)
high growth rate, less crowded niche, many offspring, lower survivorship
K-selected species (equilibrium, specialists)
low growth rate, population size near environmental carrying capacity, strong competitors
long length of life is a K strategy
Large body size is a K strategy while small body size is a r strategy
Constant population size is a K strategy
Good competitors is a K strategy
high growth rates is a r strategy
high population density is a K strategy
Species richness: the number of species within a group of individuals
Operational Taxonomic Unit: Unit of diversity defined by method rather than species concept
Operation taxonomical unit often uses function genetic markers
Lateral gene transfer functional inference from identity
Simpson’s Diversity index 1-D:
D =(n / N) ^ 2
n = richness (total number of species)
N = number of all organisms from all species
1-D is used so that as diversity increases, the value increase
Measure true diversity in that not just the number, but the proportional distribution of species is calculated
Shannon indexmeasures the entropy, or uncertainty, in the data •That is, when sampling a population, what is the uncertainty in predicting the next individual
In regards to shannon index:
R = richness (total number of species)
Pi= proportional abundance of i
Species evenness is measured as :
J’ (evenness) = H’ / H’max
H’ max assume even distribution among species ( i.e.R / number of individuals)
High diversity systems are thought to be robust to disturbance and permanent change due to genetic redundancy
Higher diversity makes a system more productive
competition will drive selection
Selection leads to optimization and innovation
Communityis a group of interacting organisms constrained in time and space
Community ecology is the study of changes in the community structure over time and the variation between communities throughout space
Alpha diversity studies community diversity within a habitat
Beta diversity studies community diversity between habitats
•Gamma diversity is the study of large scale landscape diversity (alpha and beta)
Biogeographyis the study of species geographical distribution
Diversity is determined by speciation, dispersal and extinction