
Cards (12)

  • Electricity is a form of energy.
  • There are two types of electricity: electrostatics (or) static electricity and electrodynamics (or) current electricity.
  • Electrostatic is the study of electric charge at rest.
  • Electrodynamics is the study of moving electric charges and their interaction with magnetic and electric fields.
  • Electric charge (or) electricity, can be provided by batteries and generators.
  • Some materials become charged when they are rubbed, these charges are electrostatic charge or static electricity.
  • The two kinds of static electric charge are positive charge and negative charge.
  • The uses of static electricity are electrostatic precipitators, inkjet printers and photocopiers.
  • Another example of static electricity is lightning discharge.
  • Electrical energy can be transformed into other forms of energy, such as heat energy, mechanical energy, light energy and sound energy.
  • Electrical energy is used in domestic electric appliances, in industries, transportation and communication works.
  • In technologically advanced countries scientists are trying to generate considerable amount of electrical energy from the wind, from the sea and from the sun.