Cards (43)

  • What are the social groups linked with religiosity in the study material?
    Gender, ethnicity, class, and age
  • What does the evidence suggest about gender differences in religiosity levels in the UK?
    Women are generally more religious than men
  • According to Davie (2013), what aspects show gender differences in religiosity?
    Practice, belief, self-identification, private prayer
  • Who highlighted that female churchgoers outnumber men by half a million?
    Brierley, 2013
  • What percentage of women say religion is important to them compared to men?
    38% of women, 26% of men
  • What percentage of women describe themselves as spiritual compared to men?
    40% of women, 28% of men
  • In which major faiths in the UK are women more likely to practice their religion?
    All major faiths except for Sikhs
  • What did Heelas and Woodhead find about the participation of women in NRMs in Kendal?
    80% of participants were female
  • According to Miller and Hoffman (1995), why do women have higher levels of religiosity?
    Women are socialized to be passive and caring
  • What qualities valued by most religions are women socialized to have?
    Passive, obedient, and caring
  • How does male socialization differ from female socialization according to Miller and Hoffman?
    Men are socialized to be independent and risk-taking
  • Why might men be more likely to take the risk of not being religious?
    They are socialized to take risks
  • What does Davie (1994) argue about women's connection to key human questions?
    Women are closer to birth and death issues
  • How has the disappearance of childbirth dangers affected women's religiosity?
    Women may become less religious
  • What does Bruce (2011) suggest about women's child-rearing roles and religiosity?
    Women are less aggressive and more cooperative
  • How does Bruce (1996; 2011) explain women's high religiosity in relation to paid work?
    Women have lower involvement in paid work
  • What has rationalization done to religion in the public sphere?
    It has driven religion out of the male-dominated public sphere
  • How has the privatization of religion affected men's religiosity?
    Men's religiosity has declined more quickly
  • What trend occurred by the 1960s regarding women's roles and religiosity?
    Women took on more masculine, secular roles
  • What does Brown (2009) refer to as the 'decline of female piety'?
    Women withdrawing from religion due to work
  • How have churches changed due to men's withdrawal from religion?
    Churches have become feminized spaces
  • What effect did the introduction of female priests in the Church of England have?
    Reinforced the idea of religion as a female domain
  • Why do women have more time for religious activities according to Miller and Hoffman?
    Women are more likely to work part-time
  • How do women engage with religion in their local communities?
    Through support groups and community activities
  • What does Brierley (2005) suggest about women's church participation?
    Women are leaving the church faster than men
  • What do Stark and Bainbridge (1985) argue about women's involvement in cults/sects/NRMs?
    They offer compensators for women's deprivation
  • What type of deprivation do women suffer according to Stark and Bainbridge?
    Organismic, ethical, and social deprivation
  • Why are women attracted to sects and world-rejecting NRMs?
    They see the world in moral decline
  • How does social deprivation affect women's religious participation?
    Women look to religion for explanations of poverty
  • What role does patriarchy play in women's religious participation?
    Women feel deprived of power and autonomy
  • Why do women turn to NAMs and World-Affirming NRMs?
    They celebrate women's roles and provide self-worth
  • What class differences exist in women's attraction to religion according to Bruce?
    Middle-class women prefer New Age beliefs
  • What do working-class women tend to believe in regarding religion?
    Passive roles and fatalistic ideas
  • What is the Pentecostal Gender Paradox?
    Women are attracted to patriarchal Pentecostalism
  • How does Brusco (1995; 2012) explain women's attraction to Pentecostalism?
    It counters the culture of machismo
  • What do Pentecostal churches expect from their male members?
    To provide for their families responsibly
  • How do Latin American women use Pentecostalism to improve their position?
    By critiquing sexual irresponsibility and machismo
  • What are the reasons for women's relatively higher levels of religiosity?
    • Socialization to be passive, obedient, and caring
    • Closer connection to birth and death issues
    • More time for religious activities due to part-time work
    • Seeking compensators for deprivation in cults/sects/NRMs
  • What are the implications of women's changing roles on their religiosity?
    • Decline in traditional religious participation
    • Attraction to New Age beliefs and practices
    • Churches becoming feminized spaces
    • Increased involvement in community support through religion
  • How do class differences affect women's religious beliefs?
    • Middle-class women attracted to New Age beliefs
    • Working-class women drawn to passive roles and fatalism
    • Differences in religious participation based on socioeconomic status