Cards (36)

  • What are the social groups linked with religiosity?
    Age, gender, ethnicity, and class
  • What is the general pattern of religious service attendance by age?
    Older individuals attend more religious services
  • What is the exception to the trend of older individuals attending religious services?
    Those under 15 are taken by parents
  • What is the trend in church attendance for age groups under 65?
    There is an ongoing fall in attendance
  • By how much is the attendance of 15-19 year olds projected to fall by 2025?
    By half
  • What percentage of English churches have no one under 20 attending?
    Half of all English churches
  • Why are older individuals less likely to attend church?
    They are more likely to be ill or disabled
  • What does Heelas (2005) suggest about older people's religiosity?
    They become more religious due to aging effect
  • In how many countries were older generations found to be more religious than the young in 2004?
    76 out of 84 countries
  • What concerns do older people have as they approach death?
    Spiritual matters and the afterlife
  • What does the Kendal Project evidence suggest about spirituality and age?
    Most engaged in holistic milieu are older
  • What do some sociologists argue about age and New Age movements?
    Age has little impact on NAM engagement
  • How might life events affect religiosity?
    Having children may increase religious involvement
  • Why do under 15s attend religious services regularly?
    Due to parental influence
  • What happens to young people's church attendance as they grow older?
    It decreases as they gain choice
  • What do Voas and Crockett (2005) argue about religiousness over time?
    Little evidence of increased religiosity over time
  • What is the 'generational effect' according to Voas and Crockett?
    Each generation is less religious than the last
  • What do Voas and Crockett suggest about older people's church attendance?
    They continue traditions from their youth
  • What does post-modernism allow individuals to do regarding religion?
    Choose personal beliefs and practices
  • What is the main reason young people are less religious according to Voas and Crockett?
    Secularisation is the main reason
  • How much less religious is each succeeding generation compared to the previous?
    Only half as many are religious
  • What do Arweck and Beckford (2013) argue about religious socialisation?
    It virtually collapsed after the 1960s
  • What was the enrollment rate of traditional Sunday schools in the 1950s?
    One-third of all 14 year olds
  • Why might young people join New Religious Movements (NRMs)?
    They align with moral and ethical issues
  • What is the chance of raising a churchgoing adult if both parents share the same faith?
    50% chance
  • What happens to the chance of raising a churchgoing adult if parents have different faiths?
    It falls to 25%
  • What did Burkimsher (2008) find about the generational effect?
    Recent generations are less religious globally
  • What percentage of churchgoers were over 65 in 2015?
    One in three churchgoers
  • What is predicted for practicing Christians in the UK population?
    They will become a small, old minority
  • Where is increased religiosity among the young observed?
    In Eastern Europe and Africa
  • What has caused young people to lose faith in modern science?
    Awareness of nuclear power and war effects
  • How are young people's expressions of spirituality changing?
    They are changing how they express beliefs
  • What are the reasons for differences in religiosity levels between age groups?
    • Older people become more religious due to aging effect
    • Young people are less religious due to generational effect
    • Life events influence religious participation
    • Parental influence affects children's attendance
  • What factors contribute to the decline of traditional religion among young people?
    • Secularisation and generational effect
    • Virtual collapse of religious socialisation
    • Preference for New Age beliefs
    • Individual choice in spiritual practices
  • How does age alone explain differences in religiosity?
    • Older generations are generally more religious
    • Young people often reject traditional beliefs
    • Age does not account for gender, class, or ethnicity
    • Need to consider broader social influences
  • What are the implications of the generational effect on future religiosity?
    • Decline in church attendance among youth
    • Aging population of churchgoers
    • Potential for religious minority status
    • Variability in religiosity across different regions