
Cards (47)

  • What do functionalists believe is needed for society to function?
    Social order and social solidarity
  • What is a value consensus according to functionalists?
    A set of shared norms and values
  • How does religion contribute to social order according to functionalists?
    By creating and maintaining value consensus
  • Who believed that religion creates a collective conscience?
  • What is the collective conscience?
    Shared norms, values, beliefs, and knowledge
  • How do shared religious rituals reinforce the collective conscience?
    They maintain integration and social order
  • What does the ritual of worshipping sacred objects do for individuals?
    Unites them in a moral community
  • What did the Australian Arunta tribe worship?
    A totem pole
  • What does Worsley argue about the sacred and profane?
    There is no sharp division between them
  • How does worshipping sacred objects create social solidarity?
    By understanding community norms and values
  • What event exemplified social solidarity in 2010?
    The Pope's visit to the UK
  • What function does religion serve for individuals according to functionalists?
    It makes them feel part of something greater
  • What limitation does Durkheim's collective conscience have in explaining religion?
    It fails to explain conflict in diverse communities
  • What psychological function does Malinowski attribute to religion?
    Helps cope with emotional stress
  • What did Malinowski find about the Trobriand Islanders' use of 'canoe magic'?
    It provided support before dangerous fishing trips
  • When did the Trobriand Islanders not perform rituals?
    When completing safe lagoon fishing
  • How do religious rituals help during life crises?
    They minimize social disruption
  • How do traditional Hindu weddings support social integration?
    They facilitate the bride's transition to a new family
  • What do many religions do after natural disasters?
    Send support teams and missionaries
  • What does Parsons believe is the main function of religion?
    To legitimate society's values
  • How does religion sacralise norms and values?
    By making them sacred
  • What core values has Protestantism sacralised in America?
    Meritocracy and individualism
  • How does religion regulate society?
    By providing a code of laws
  • What does the Christian commandment 'thou shall not commit adultery' ensure?
    Families stay together
  • How does religion provide meaning to life?
    By answering key questions about existence
  • How does religion explain suffering according to functionalists?
    As a test of faith rewarded in the afterlife
  • What does Bellah believe is the main function of civil religion?
    To integrate society
  • How is civil religion expressed in America?
    Through national anthem and Independence Day
  • What does the 'American God' represent in civil religion?
    An overarching belief uniting diverse backgrounds
  • How was civil religion evident after Osama Bin Laden's death?
    Chanting 'USA, USA' at events
  • What does Bellah identify civil religion as?
    A functional alternative to traditional religion
  • What did both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union have in common regarding religion?
    Secular political beliefs that united the country
  • What does Casanova argue against the functionalist view of religion?
    Religion causes political conflicts
  • What do postmodernists argue about functionalist ideas?
    They ignore the impact of globalization
  • How has religious diversity affected individual spirituality?
    It allows personalized spirituality creation
  • What do postmodernists criticize about functionalist claims?
    They provide a complete meta-narrative
  • What do Marxists argue about functionalist views of religion?
    They emphasize positive functions too much
  • How do Marxists view the role of religion in society?
    As a source of oppression for the poor
  • What do feminists argue about functionalist views of religion?
    They ignore oppression of women
  • What do Marxists and Functionalists agree on regarding religion?
    It stabilizes society and maintains status quo