Religious Organisations

Cards (41)

  • What is typology in sociology?
    A classification according to general type
  • Why are sociologists interested in religious organizations?
    To study their features, development, and membership
  • What are key characteristics for comparing religious organizations?
    • Type of leadership
    • Level of commitment required
    • Relationship to wider society
    • Claims to the truth
    • Scope/size
    • Typical life span
  • How did Ernst Troeltsch define a church?
    As a large dominant religious organization
  • How many members does the Anglican Church have worldwide?
    77 million members
  • How are churches typically organized?
    By a hierarchy of paid officials
  • What societal norms do churches support?
    Society's norms and values
  • Why are churches considered universalistic?
    They aim to include all social groups
  • What is the ideological stance of churches?
    They are ideologically conservative
  • What do churches claim regarding truth?
    They claim a monopoly of truth
  • How did Bruce (1996) critique the church's monopoly of truth?
    It only applied before the Protestant Reformation
  • What is expected of church members in terms of commitment?
    Few demands are placed on them
  • How have churches survived over time?
    They have shown a long life span
  • What is a sect according to Troeltsch?
    A small, exclusive group breaking from a church
  • What typically causes the formation of a sect?
    A schism within an existing religious organization
  • How do sects differ from churches in terms of societal attitude?
    Sects are hostile to wider society
  • Who do sects typically attract as members?
    The poor and oppressed individuals
  • What do sects promise their members?
    Other-worldly benefits like heaven
  • What is expected of members in a sect?
    High commitment and dedication
  • How are sects typically led?
    By a single charismatic leader
  • What do sects claim regarding truth?
    They claim a monopoly of truth
  • How long do sects typically last?
    Often only for a generation
  • How did Niebuhr classify denominations?
    As medium-sized organizations of middle-class members
  • How do denominations differ from churches?
    They do not appeal to the whole society
  • What is the leadership structure of denominations?
    They have a formal structure of paid clergy
  • How do cults differ from other religious organizations?
    Cults are the least organized religious groups
  • What type of leadership do cults typically have?
    Led by a practitioner or therapist
  • What do cults allow regarding other beliefs?
    They accept other spiritual beliefs
  • How demanding is cult membership?
    Membership is not demanding at all
  • What benefits do cults typically offer?
    Other-worldly benefits like good health
  • Why do many cults tend to be short-lived?
    Due to their loose-knit organization
  • What are the three types of cults according to Stark and Bainbridge?
    Audience, Client, and Cultic Movements
  • What are the characteristics of world-affirming new religious movements (WANRMs)?
    • Accept the world as it is
    • Promise success in mainstream goals
    • Non-exclusive and tolerant of other religions
    • Offer additional special knowledge
    • Few demands on followers
  • What is the focus of world-accommodating new religious movements?
    Religious purity without rejecting the world
  • What are the characteristics of world-rejecting new religious movements (WRRMs)?
    • Limited contact with the outside world
    • High control over members' lives
    • Exclusive membership with high sacrifices
    • Conservative moral codes
  • What was the outcome of Jim Jones' leadership of The People’s Temple?
    Mass suicide during a government investigation
  • What are the practical applications of using typologies in sociology?
    • Analyzing significant features of organizations
    • Comparing modern and old religious organizations
    • Understanding the role of organizations in society
  • What do Stark & Bainbridge (1985) argue regarding religious organizations?
    To distinguish based on tension with society
  • What is the focus of the question "Outline and explain two different types of religious organisations that are popular in society today"?
    Types of religious organizations
  • What is the focus of the question "Applying material from Item I, analyse two different religious organisations and their relationship with wider society"?
    Relationship with wider society