Definition of Religion & Key Concepts

Cards (29)

  • What is the definition of religion?
    A system of beliefs and practices
  • What does the substantive definition of religion focus on?
    The content or substance of religious belief
  • Who defined religion as a belief in a superior power?
    Max Weber
  • Why is the substantive definition of religion considered exclusive?
    It excludes beliefs without a supernatural power
  • How does the substantive definition affect the classification of Buddhism?
    Buddhism may not be classified as a religion
  • What is the focus of functional definitions of religion?
    The social and psychological functions of religion
  • Who defined religion in terms of social integration?
    Emilie Durkheim
  • What does Milton Yinger identify as a function of religion?
    Answering ultimate questions about life
  • How is the functional definition of religion seen as inclusive?
    It allows a wider range of beliefs and practices
  • Why might collective chanting at a football match not be considered a religion?
    It does not involve a belief system
  • What do constructionist definitions of religion argue?
    Religion means different things to different people
  • Who identified Scientology as a religion for its followers?
    Alan Aldridge
  • What is the role of religion according to Functionalists?
    It creates a collective conscience for social order
  • What are religious beliefs?
    Ideas accepted as true within a religion
  • What do Christians believe about God?
    There is one God in Trinity
  • What are religious practices?
    Actions required to be part of a religion
  • What is the definition of secularisation?
    Loss of importance of religion in society
  • What does fundamentalism desire?
    A return to traditional religious texts
  • What is globalisation?
    Increased interconnectedness of the world
  • How might globalisation affect religious conflict?
    It can increase or reduce religious conflict
  • What is ideology?
    A set of ideas put forward by powerful groups
  • How do Christians view religion in terms of ideology?
    They see it as true, not ideological
  • How do Marxists view religion?
    As a social construction of the ruling class
  • What does religiosity refer to?
    The extent to which an individual is religious
  • Why is measuring religiosity difficult?
    Belief is often a private matter
  • What is a problem with secondary data on religion?
    It often lacks reliability and validity
  • Why is there no official definition of religious belief?
    It varies widely among individuals and groups
  • What might membership in a religious organization signify?
    Duty rather than personal belief
  • What are the types of questions that might be asked in an exam regarding religion?
    • Outline and explain (10 marks)
    • Apply material from Item A and analyze (10 marks)
    • Apply material from Item B and evaluate (20 marks)