Characteristics & Growth of NAM

Cards (40)

  • What are New Age Movements (NAMs)?
    Diverse organizations with spiritual beliefs
  • How do NAMs differ from traditional religions?
    They focus on individual spirituality, not hierarchy
  • What activities are commonly associated with NAMs?
    Yoga, meditation, astrology, and crystals
  • What is a common belief among New Agers regarding spirituality?
    Individuals should find self-spirituality
  • Why do New Agers turn away from traditional religions?
    To seek satisfaction in a secular society
  • What questions do New Agers seek answers to?
    Questions about suffering and happiness
  • How do NAMs appeal to individuals in modern society?
    They connect with personal inner selves
  • Why are women more attracted to NAMs than men?
    They allow women to create new identities
  • What do NAMs focus on regarding personal growth?
    Achieving individual personal growth
  • How can yoga be practiced according to NAMs?
    Individually or in groups at any time
  • What types of self-help do NAMs provide?
    Success in outer world and inner enlightenment
  • What do NAMs reject regarding traditional religions?
    The spiritual authority of external religions
  • How is authority structured in NAMs?
    NAMs are loosely organized with no hierarchy
  • What do NAMs believe about truth?
    There are many truths from various sources
  • How do New Age movements incorporate different cultural elements?
    They use myths, rituals, and symbols from various cultures
  • What practices are included in New Age spirituality?
    Meditation, aromatherapy, and reflexology
  • How has the number of NAMs changed since the 1980s?
    They have increased significantly
  • How many NAM activities does Heelas estimate are practiced today?
    Over 2,000 activities
  • What does John Drane argue about NAMs?
    They appeal due to our shift towards postmodernism
  • What characterizes postmodernity according to Drane?
    An era of relativism with no absolute truths
  • What is a key feature of postmodern society?
    Loss of faith in meta-narratives
  • How did modernity affect people's views on traditional religion?
    People turned to science for knowledge
  • What has caused disillusionment with traditional religions?
    Failures to meet spiritual needs
  • How do New Agers view organized religion?
    As discouraging genuine self-spirituality
  • What do postmodernists argue about truth?
    There are many truths, not a single truth
  • How does New Age spirituality reflect cultural diversity?
    It combines ideas from various cultures
  • What is the size of the holistic milieu compared to traditional religion?
    It is still very small
  • What does Bruce argue about the growth of NAMs?
    It is a feature of late modern society
  • What principle of New Age beliefs does late modern society value?
    Individualism and personal truth
  • How has mindfulness been adapted in modern society?
    As an 8-week secular program
  • How are NAMs viewed in terms of follower demands?
    They make little demands on followers
  • What does 'pick and mix spiritual shopping' refer to?
    Combining different religious elements
  • How does Heelas view the relationship between modernity and NAMs?
    Modernity leads to the rise of NAMs
  • Where is New Age strongest in the USA?
    California, where church attendance is low
  • What does Bruce argue about scientific knowledge?
    It is still valued in society
  • What is a critique of linking NAMs to postmodernity?
    It is a tautological argument
  • What crisis does Bauman identify in society?
    A crisis of meaning and absolute truths
  • How do NAMs provide meaning in life?
    By filling the spiritual void left by religion
  • What were the findings of the Kendal Project?
    • 7.9% of Kendal's population attended churches
    • Decline in church attendance since the 1950s
    • 95 practitioners of spiritual activities in 2000
    • Only 3 practitioners listed in the 1970s
    • Holistic milieu expected to surpass church attendance
  • What are the exam questions related to New Age Movements?
    1. Outline and explain two features of NAMs in Postmodern society.
    2. Analyze two explanations for how the growth of NAMs relates to secularisation.
    3. Evaluate the view that NAMs are replacing traditional religions.