Cards (4)

  • aim (1)?
    how information provided after an event in the form of leading questions can affect peoples memories
  • procedure (1)?
    45 students from Uni of Washington, shown 7 videos of car crashes 4-30 seconds long and were shown in random order. Participants were given a standardised questionnaire giving an account of the film they saw then asked several filler questions and a critical question:
    'how fast were the cars going when they ___ each other?'
    smashed, collided, bumped, hit, contacted
  • results (1)?
    speeds estimated incorrectly, participants could be influenced by demand characteristics when estimating speed.
    • contacted mean speed: 31.8. smashed: 40.8 (9 mph difference)
  • conclusion (1)?
    change of one word in a critical question can significantly alter the participants estimate of how fast the car was going, post event info can distort our memories so 2 things can be happening:
    • distortion of memory: memory is reconstructed
    • response bias: participants may not have been sure of the speed so adjusts answers to fit expectations of researcher