bristol is the largest city in the south-west of england
bristol has a population of approximately440,500
bristols population is expected to reach half a million by 2029
bristol is one of the Uk's11 core cities
the 11core cities are: glasgow, belfast, newcastle, leeds, manchester, scheffield, liverpool, nottingham, birmingham, bristol and cardiff
bristol borders north somerset and south gloucestershire with the cities of bath to the south east and gloucester to the north east
bristol is connected to london directly via the M4 and other cities in the south, midlands and north via the m5 and M6 and the M4 west to wales
bristol temple meads and bristol parkway are the mainline rail services connecting to other major population centres with bristol airport to the south-west of the city and the avonmouth and royal portbury docks7 miles downstream of the city
bristol is surrounded by the cotswold hills and the mendip hills
bristol has 2 universities
bristol has the largest concentration of silicon chip manufacture outside california (industry)
bristol has two cathedrals - Bristol (anglican) and Clifton (roman catholic) (religion)
bristol is the eighth most popular city for foreign visitors, attractions include the SS great britain and Bristol zoo (tourism)
bristolo has several theatres and music venues including bristol old vic theatre it is also home to the animators who created wallace and gromit (culture and entertainment)
bristol developed in the eighteenth century as part of the triangular trade linking west africa and the west indes
around 700,000 cars are imported to the port of bristol from japan, germany and korea each year
bristol has recently experienced lots of economic and social change
bristol holds a strategic position on the M4 corridor with good road and rail links and easy access to london and rail and ferry services to london
bristolairport links the city to major european centres and the USA
there has been a change from dependence on traditional industry like tobacco and paper, to the development of global industries such as financial and business services, defence, aerospace, technology, culture and media
there has been a high level of inward investment, including FDI (foreign direct investment) in manufacturing companies (BMW), finance and high-tech businesses
bristoluniversity attracts students from all over the world, providing graduates for professional, managerial and knowledge based jobs