Chp 2 Molecular Orbital Theory, Orbital Hybrid, & IMFA

Cards (82)

  • Molecular Orbital Theory, Intermolecular Forces, and Acid-Base Organic Reactions are topics discussed in BIOL 103 Session 2.
  • Atomic Orbitals (AOs) are the physical reality of Y squared, which gives the probability of finding an electron in a particular location in space.
  • Group can overwhelm the ability of the polar group to solubilize a molecule in water.
  • One hydrophilic group such as hydroxyl can make a compound with 3 carbons completely soluble in water.
  • Plots of Y squared in three dimensions generate the shape of s, p, d, and f orbitals.
  • Only s and p orbitals are very important in organic chemistry.
  • An orbital is a region in space where the probability of finding an electron is large.
  • The typical representation of orbitals are those volumes which contain the electron 90-95% of the time.
  • 1 s and 2 s orbitals are spheres centered around the nucleus.
  • Each orbital can accommodate 2 electrons.
  • The 2 s orbital is higher in energy and contains a nodal surface (Y = 0) in its center.
  • Each 2 p orbital has two nearly touching spheres (or lobes).
  • There are three 2 p orbitals which are perpendicular (orthogonal) to each other.
  • The 2 p orbitals are higher in energy than the 1 s or 2 s.
  • Aufbau Principle: The lowest energy orbitals are filled first.
  • The axis that passes through the center of the sp orbitals is referred to as the sp axis.
  • Ethyne depictions show that the electron density around the carbon-carbon bond has circular symmetry.
  • Even if rotation around the carbon-carbon bond occurred in ethyne, a different compound would not result.
  • The carbon-carbon bond length is shorter as more bonds hold the carbons together.
  • With more electron density between the carbons, there is more "glue" to hold the nuclei of the carbons together.
  • The carbon-hydrogen bond lengths also get shorter with more s character of the bond.
  • 2s orbitals are held more closely to the nucleus than 2p orbitals.
  • A hybridized orbital with more percent s character is held more closely to the nucleus than an orbital with less s character.
  • The sp orbital of ethyne has 50% s character and its C-H bond is shorter.
  • The sp3 orbital of ethane has only 25% s character and its C-H bond is longer.
  • The strength of intermolecular forces determines the physical properties.
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle: A maximum of two spin paired electrons may be placed in each orbital.
  • Hund’s Rule: One electron is added to each degenerate (equal energy orbital) before a second electron is added.
  • Cr: 3d^6
  • Cr: 3d^5
  • Cr: 3d^4
  • Cr: 3d^3
  • Cr: 3d^2
  • Cr: 3d
  • Cr: 2d^6
  • Cr: 2d^5
  • Cr: 2d^4
  • Cr: 2d^3
  • Cr: 2d
  • Melting point, boiling point and solubility are influenced by stronger intermolecular forces.