ola 1984

Cards (19)

  • covers personal injury only
  • occupier not defiened in the act - common law shall apply
  • can be more than one occupier - wheat v lacon
  • can find no one in control - bailey v armes
  • premesis s1(2) fixed or moveable structure
  • trespasser - a person who has no permission or authority to be on occupiers premesis or has gone beyond permission
  • duty of care s1(3) must prove three things
  • three things - aware of danger - has reasonable ground to believe trespasser is near - should be expected to offer protection
  • s1(4) duty is for occupiers to take reasonable care
  • not liable if danger is obvious - ratcliff v mcconnell
  • time of day will impact - donoghue v folkstone
  • doesn't have to spend money making it safe - tomlinson v congleton borough council
  • o not liable if no reason to suspect other - higgs v foster
  • not liable if no reason to suspect danger - rhind v water park
  • occupier not liable for child tresspasser if no danger from premesis - keown v coventry nhs
  • duty for children - same as adults
  • consent - smith - s1(6)
  • contributory neg - sayers
  • warnings - s1(5) - westwood v post office