ellis' abc

Cards (7)

  • What does Ellis believe to be the cause of good and bad mental health?
    Good = rational thinking
    Bad = irrational thinking
  • What is the definition of mustabatory thinking?
    assumptions/ideas must be true for an individual to be happy
    e.g, a person must achieve perfectionist characteristics to be happy/successful
    e.g, must be liked by people that are important to them
  • What are the important irrational beliefs according to Ellis?
    • Self
    • Others
    • World
  • What does the ABC stand for in Ellis' model?
    A - activating event
    B - beliefs
    C - consequences
  • Outline the 'A' in Ellis' model
    • Activating event
    e.g, friend ignores you when saying hello
  • Outline the 'B' in Ellis' model
    • Beliefs = interpretation of event
    e.g, rational = friend just didn't see/hear
    irrational = friend dislikes you
  • Outline the 'C' in Ellis' model
    • Consequences
    e.g, rational = I will check friend is ok later
    irrational = avoid/block friend - depression