Cards (10)

  • What is a gene mutation?
    A change in the arrangement of bases in an individual gene or in the structure of chromosomes which changes the arrangement of genes
  • Mutation can
    Lead to alteration or absence in proteins, or a genetic disease
  • Mutations don't
    Always cause genetic disease, as they can be found in either somatic cells or gametes
  • Mutations
    occur randomly at a low rate, and source of variations
  • Mutagens
    • Radioation (X-ray, nuclear, UV)
    • Mutagenic chemicals
    • Extreme heat
  • Substition
    A change in one base
  • Deletion and Instertion
    One base is removed or inserted, causes a frame shift, changes hte amino acid sequence and so will result in different amino acid sequence
  • Non-sense
    When substitution results in transcription ending prematurely because the substitution resulted in a stop codon being formed
  • Mis-sense mutation
    When a change in base leads to a different amino acid being implemented into the primary structure
  • Silent
    When the change in base still codes for the same amino acid, therefore not altering the polypeptide that is synthesised