Electricity - Science

Cards (15)

  • What is electricity?
    the moving of an electron
  • How will electricity flow?
    only when it has a complete circuit
  • what is moving energy called?
    kinnetic energy
  • what is an electrical current?
    it is how fast the electrons are moving
  • what is voltage measured in? and measured by?
    volts and a voltmeter
  • what is current measured in? and measured by?
    amps and an ammeter
  • what is resistance measured in? and measured by?
    ohms and an ohmmeter
  • how do u get a bulb to light?
    a continuous pathway of conducting material is needed for electricity to flow
  • what is the current?
    the flow of electrons in a wire
  • what is a conducter?
    substances that allow electricity to travel through them
  • what is an insulator?
    substances that do not allow electricity to travel through themselves
  • ohm’s law
    it States that the voltage is proportional to the current in a wire at constant temperature
  • Diode
    A diode is a device that allows current to flow through it in one direction only
  • What is power measured in?
  • What is the formula for power
    P = V x I