
Subdecks (1)

Cards (14)

  • What is the aim of rebt?
    help a person challenge unhelpful thoughts and avoid negative emotions and behaviour
  • How long does rebt typically last?
    few weeks to months
    some improvement from 8-11 sessions
    significant improvement by 25th session
  • What evidence is there that rebt is effective
    • David et al. - lasting effects even after therapy has ended
    • Misdeni et al. - rebt group counseling reduces anxiety in students
    • Priya & Padmavathi - reduce academic stress
  • What are the steps in rebt?
    • Problem-solving - assertiveness/social skills/conflict resolution skills
    • Cognitive restricting - refraining/rationalising/exposure
    • Disputing - question validity of belief
    • Coping techniques - relaxation/mindfulness/breathing techniques
    • Acceptance - unconditional self/other/life acceptance
  • Why are coping techniques taught?
    manage negative thoughts in situations where the person cannot change the situation + is struggling with rational thinking
  • What is the definition of unconditional self-acceptance?
    person recognises flaws do not make them less worthy then any other person
  • What is the definition of unconditional other acceptance?
    recognising some will mistreat them without justification
  • What is the definition of unconditional life acceptance?
    recognising life isn't always going to go how they want