Looked at representations of ethnicity on programmes
found people from ethnic minorities who held a speaking role were representative of the general public = content analysis, pluralist
some groups were over-represented (Black African Caribbean groups) but some were under-represented (South Asian groups)
found people from ethnic minorities were more likely to be on entertainment shows, represented on factual shows as interviewees
representation in major roles is limited, ethnic minorities less likely to be presenters or lead roles
New technology means there's more specialist shows catered for specific ethnic minorities and they're ran by people from these minorities however, there's not many people in power in mainstream media
Van Dijk
Tabloid newspapers sometimes stereotype some ethnic groups as being a problem/threat
made a detailed content analysis of headlines in 5 papers
argued there's often an association in the headlines between ethnic groups, violence and negative language = ethnocentric
Media portrayal of ethnic minorities reinforced views of non-whites as ‘others’
criticised media portrayals of multiculturalis, glosses over problems such as power imbalances between different ethnic groups and historical effects of colonialism and racism
Hartmann and Husband
Analysed children’s responses of media
are with low ethnic mix = children believed negative media stereotypes, linked race to conflict
area with high ethnic mix = children rejected media stereotypes in favour of their own experiences
audience response to ethnic minority stereotypes varied depending on real life experiences of the audience