Order & Disorder (& Supernatural)

Cards (16)

  • "But now I am cabined, cribbed, confined," Macbeth Act 3 Scene 4, tripling, use of letter 'c' shows his life falling apart
  • "Bleed, bleed poor country." Macduff Act 4 Scene 3, repetition, personification
  • "For the whole space that's in my tyrant's grasp," Macduff Act 4 Scene 3, connotations to restrictions
  • "the earth was feverous and did shake" Lennox Act 2 Scene 3, foreshadowing chaos, personification showing the earth itself is sick of the unholy events.
  • "The woods began to move" Messenger Act 5 Scene 5, short sentence, very declarative, shock for the audience shows that the other prophecies will come true and Macbeth will be dethroned
  • "Double double toil and trouble" witches + hecate Act 4 Scene 1, foreshadows that prophecies have a dual meaning, tetrameter
  • "You know your own degrees, sit down." LM Act 3 Scene 4, in power
  • "Stand not upon the order of your going but go at once" LM Act 3 Scene 4
  • "He hath not touched your yet" Malcolm Act 4 Scene 3, dramatic irony because we know Macduff's family is slain.
  • "When shall we three meet again, in thunder, lightning or in rain?" witch A1S1, trochaic pentameter and iambic pentameter - disorder
  • "I could not say Amen" Macbeth A2S2, can't even speak the name of God
  • "Tis said they eat eachother" A2S4, supernatural world taking over, cannibalism
  • "fair is foul and foul is fair." witches A1S1
  • "prisoner of the insane root" Banquo A1S3
  • "supernatural soliciting"
  • "Heat oppressed brain" Macbeth A2S1, soliloquy, oxymoron, freud id, feels lind is being controlled, distuebed