
Cards (5)

  • title of practical?
    a content analysis of how schizophrenia is portrayed by a british tabloid (personal story) newspaper compared to a british broadsheet (factual) newspaper
  • aim?
    investigate whether news articles in an online tabloid newspaper portrayed schizophrenia differently to articles in an online broadsheet newspaper
  • hypothesis?
    alternate: there will be a significant difference in british online tabloid newspapers compared to british online broadsheet newspapers. Website samples will be 'the Guardian' (B) and 'The Sun' (T)
  • method?
    content sampling, used websites of 2 british newspapers (chose since each newspaper seen held different demographs, eg guardian is more intellectual). both newspapers seen were easily accessible and first 10 articles shown in response to the search item 'schizophrenia' were content analysed
    • 3 categories, mental illness linked to crime (negative), scientific information about mental illness (neutral), aim to raise awareness of mental illness (positive).
  • inferential statistics?
    • looking for difference between portrayal of schizophrenia in 2 newspapers (positive, negative, neutral)
    • nominal data, it's gathered as a tally if behaviour is positive negative of neutral)
    • unrelated data, looking into 2 separate newspapers and 3 different categories
    chi-squared is picked