sex-role stereotypes & androgyny

Cards (21)

  • Who first introduced the concept of androgyny?
    Sandra Bem
  • What did Sandra Bem argue about sex-role stereotypes?
    They should be avoided for psychological health
  • What is the range of the test-retest correlation for the BSRI?
    76 to 94
  • What are sex-role stereotypes?
    Social norms about how men and women behave
  • What is the BSRI?
    Bem Sex Role Inventory
  • How do individuals rate themselves on the BSRI?
    Using a 7-point Likert scale
  • What is the relationship between self-esteem and BSRI scores?
    High self-esteem correlates with higher scores
  • What does the BSRI include in its items?
    Both explicit and implicit behaviors
  • What is the implication of learning about sex-role stereotypes?
    It is often implicit from birth
  • What does gender schema theory suggest?
    Individuals categorize behaviors based on gender
  • What did Bem reformulate in 1983?
    Her approach to gender schema theory
  • How does an androgynous person respond to situations?
    Independently of gender concepts
  • What did Hoffman and Borders (2001) find about BSRI items?
    Only 2 terms were still endorsed as masculine
  • What does a traditionally sex-typed person use to determine behavior?
    Gender schemas
  • What are the key components of the BSRI?
    • 40 items rated on a 7-point scale
    • Measures masculinity and femininity
    • Includes both explicit and implicit behaviors
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the BSRI?
    • High reliability (76 to 94 correlation)
    • Validity in measuring gender roles

    • Temporal validity questioned
    • Limited endorsement of items in recent studies
  • how are sex-role stereotypes learnt?
    • from birth as children are exposed to attitudes of their parents
    • society e.g. 'boys shouldn't cry' or 'girls shouldn't climb trees'
  • what is androgyny?
    it is psychologically healthy to avoid fixed sex-role stereotypes & people should adopt a variety of typically masculine and feminine behaviours
  • what are some examples of masculine traits the BSRI might include?
    • independent
    • ambitious
  • what are some examples of feminine traits the BSRI might include?
    • compassionate
    • affectionate
  • what may individuals be categories as according to the BSRI?
    • masculine = high masculine score, low feminine score
    • feminine = high feminine score, low masculine score
    • androgynous = both high scores
    • undifferentiated = both low scores