bact cultivation

Cards (44)

  • What does the verb "culture" refer to in bacterial cultivation?
    Propagating bacteria in culture media
  • What is a subculture in bacterial cultivation?
    Transfer bacteria to another culture medium
  • Which type of bacteria are gram positive?
    Fungi (yeast) and mycobacterium
  • What type of bacteria are spirochetes?
    Gram negative and difficult to stain
  • What does "Gram Variable" mean in bacteria?
    Shows variable reactions in one organism
  • What can cause acquired Gram Variable reactions?
    Old cultures or antibiotic treatment
  • What are the three major nutritional needs for microbial growth?
    Carbon, nitrogen, and energy sources
  • What percentage of a bacterial cell's weight is made up of carbon?
  • What is the role of nitrogen in microbial nutrition?
    Making proteins and nucleic acids
  • What is the function of phosphate in microbial nutrition?
    For nucleic acids and phospholipids
  • What are the classifications of bacteria based on nutritional needs?
    Autotrophs and heterotrophs
  • What is the carbon source for autotrophs?
  • How do heterotrophs obtain their energy?
    By oxidation or fermentation of organic compounds
  • What pH range is optimal for bacterial growth?
    Neutral, between 7.0 and 7.5
  • What temperature range do mesophiles prefer for growth?
    20° to 40° C
  • What type of bacteria are psychrophiles?
    Bacteria that thrive in cold temperatures
  • What are obligate aerobes?
    Bacteria that require oxygen for growth
  • What is the role of capnophiles in bacterial growth?
    Require extra carbon dioxide for growth
  • What is the purpose of an incubator in bacterial cultivation?
    Maintains optimal temperature and humidity
  • What is the function of a candle jar in bacterial incubation?
    Generates a CO2 concentration
  • What is the purpose of anaerobic jars?
    To create an oxygen-free environment
  • What is binary fission in bacteria?
    One cell divides into two cells
  • What is the generation time for fast-growing bacteria like Escherichia coli?
    20 minutes
  • What happens during the lag phase of bacterial growth?
    Bacteria prepare to divide
  • What occurs during the stationary phase of bacterial growth?
    Nutrients become limited, numbers stabilize
  • How is the number of bacteria determined through direct counting?
    By estimating under a microscope
  • What is the main purpose of bacterial cultivation?
    To grow and isolate bacteria from specimens
  • What are fastidious bacteria?
    Bacteria with special nutritional requirements
  • What is the function of enrichment media?
    Enhances growth of specific bacterial pathogens
  • What is the purpose of selective media?
    Inhibits growth of unwanted organisms
  • What does differential media do?
    Distinguishes between different bacterial species
  • What is the role of Brain-Heart Infusion (BHI) broth?
    To grow fastidious and nonfastidious microorganisms
  • What is the purpose of Thioglycollate Broth?
    Creates an anaerobic environment for bacteria
  • What is the significance of Blood Agar Plate (BAP)?
    Enriched medium for growing bacteria
  • What does Chocolate Agar Plate (CAP) contain?
    Lysed red blood cells for nutrients
  • What is the function of Eosin Methylene Blue Agar (EMB)?
    Inhibits gram-positive bacteria growth
  • What does MacConkey Agar (MAC) differentiate?
    Lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenters
  • What is the role of Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar (PEA)?
    Inhibits gram-negative bacteria growth
  • What does Xylose-Lysine-Deoxycholate Agar (XLD) indicate?
    Fermentation of xylose and H2S production
  • What is the incubation duration for anaerobic bacteria?
    Longer than for aerobic bacteria