bact morphology

Cards (43)

  • What is the general size range of bacteria?
    0.4 to 2 µm
  • What is the largest bacterium known?
    Thiomargarita namibiensis
  • Where is Thiomargarita namibiensis found?
    In ocean sediment
  • What is the diameter range of Thiomargarita namibiensis?
    0.1 to 0.3 mm
  • What is a direct smear?
    Preparation of primary clinical sample
  • What does a direct smear identify in a specimen?
    Number of cells present
  • What is an indirect smear?
    Sample processed in culture
  • What does an indirect smear include?
    Preparation from solid or semisolid media
  • What is staining in microbiology?
    Applying dyes to specimens
  • What is a positive stain?
    Dye sticks to the specimen
  • What is a negative stain?
    Dye settles around the specimen
  • What are simple stains?
    Require only a single dye
  • What are differential stains?
    Use two different colored dyes
  • What are special stains used for?
    Developed for a specific purpose
  • What is the most commonly used stain in clinical microbiology?
    Gram Stain
  • What are the two main groups identified by Gram Stain?
    Gram-positive and Gram-negative
  • What is the purpose of Acid Fast Stains?
    Stain bacteria with high lipid content
  • What does Acridine Orange stain?
    Binds to nucleic acid of the cell
  • What does Calcofluor White stain?
    Binds to chitin in fungal cell walls
  • What is Methylene Blue used for?
    Stain C. diphtheriae for granules
  • What is Lactophenol Cotton Blue used for?
    Stain cell walls of medically important fungi
  • What do India Ink and Nigrosin visualize?
    Capsules surrounding certain yeasts
  • What is the Schaefer-Fulton spore stain used for?
    Stain bacterial spores
  • What is the importance of colony morphology as a diagnostic tool?
    • Provides presumptive identification to physicians
    • Enhances quality of patient care
    • Plays a role in quality control
  • What does primary plating refer to?
    Inoculation of clinical specimen onto media
  • What happens after 18-24 hours of incubation?
    Growth of bacteria in petri dish
  • What is plate reading?
    Interpretation of primary cultures
  • Can all organisms that grow on Chocolate Agar grow on Sheep Blood Agar?
    No, not all can grow on Sheep Blood Agar
  • What is a-hemolysis?
    Partial lysing of RBCs in SBA
  • What is B-hemolysis?
    Complete clearing of erythrocytes in SBA
  • What does no hemolysis indicate?
    No lyses of RBC; gamma hemolysis
  • What are the size categories for colony morphology?
    Large, Medium, Small, Pinpoint
  • What are the forms or margins of colonies?
    Smooth, Filamentous, Rough, Irregular
  • How is elevation determined in colony morphology?
    By tilting the culture plate
  • What are the elevation types in colony morphology?
    Raised, Convex, Flat, Umbilicate, Umbonate
  • What does density refer to in colony morphology?
    Transparency of the colony
  • What are the color categories for colonies?
    White, Gray, Yellow, Buff
  • What are the consistency types in colony morphology?
    Brittle, Creamy, Dry, Waxy
  • What is the significance of odor in colony morphology?
    Indicates specific bacterial species
  • What is the pigment produced by P. aeruginosa?
    Green with metallic sheen