
Cards (36)

  • What is part practice?

    breaking a skill into smaller movements
  • What is whole practice?

    Practicing the entire skill at once
  • What is Massed practice?

    Longer but less frequent training sessions
  • What is Distributed practice?

    Shorter but more frequent training sessions
  • What is Blocked practice variability?

    Significant amount of time focused on specific skill
  • What is Random practice variability?

    Short time on a specific skill, then moving on to a new skill, or taking a break
  • Types of Feedback?
    Intrinsic and Augmented
  • What is Intrinsic Feedback?
    Internal - can be visual, auditory, proprioception (internal receptors like hamstring stretching) and touch
  • What is Augmented Feedback?
    External - can be from a teacher or parent. Acknowledges results and performance
  • Benefits of feedback?
    Fix errors
  • What is Direct/traditional approach to coaching/learning?
    • Coach makes all decisions (what to do, when to do it)
    • Beneficial for cognitive stages of learning of the fundamental skills
    • But athlete cannot make own decisions, in game.
    • External feedback
  • Benefits of Direct Approach to coaching/learning?
    • Instructor keeps learners "on task"
    • Provides closed environment to assist beginner with learning skill
    • Facilitates cognitive stage skill learning
    • Improvements in practice performance are rapid compared with indirect instruction
    • Emphasis on mastering technique
    • Learner is provided a set of rules to guide decision making
  • What is Constraint approach to coaching/learning?
    • Put in game situations in early stages of learning (learn by doing)
    • learner centered practice
    • how to perform skills in game situations
    • Indirect instructional method
    • Games (constraints) are modified
  • Benefits of Constraint approach to coaching/learning?
    • Learns how to perform skills in game scenarios
    • Improves independence in decision making and skill execution
    • Facilitates perception-action coupling (relationship between what they see and the actions they take) eg: batsman predicting a bowlers type of bowling to do the optimal type of shot (action)
  • Coaches manipulate constraints during practice for constraint based coaching. What are these constrains?

  • What is individual constraints?
    Physical, physiological, behavioral characteristics.
    eg: height, weight, fitness, confidence
  • What is environmental constraints?
    Characteristics of the environment where performance occurs. Includes Social and Cultural factors. (cricket popular in India facilitates development of skills like batting and bowling)
    eg: weather, playing surface, peer influence, cultural norms
  • What are task constraints?
    The goal of, rules of, and equipment used in the sport
    eg: smaller soccer ball, off-side, size of playing field
  • Disadvantages to Constraints-based approach to coaching/learning?
    • May overwhelm learner
    • Technical skills may lack refinement
    • Lack of structure may allow difficulty coaching younger athletes
    • May take longer to achieve results
  • Disadvantages of Direct Approach to coaching/learning?
    • could be boring and repetitive
    • Unable to apply learning in game situations, choke under pressure
    • Less self-dependent on learning, more dependent on coach
  • In constraint-based approaches, what is Perception-action coupling?
    The reciprocal relationship between perception and actions. It is when what you perceive influences how you act, and how you act influences what you perceive.
  • Stages of learning continuum?
    Cognitive Stage: basic, with no knowledge
    Associative Stage: refining technique, some errors but can fix independently
    Autonomous Stage: Skill is automatic (second nature), and has consistent performance.
  • What is Qualitative Analysis?
    To analyse a performance to give feedback to create a better future outcome
  • What is the first stage of Qualitative Analysis?
    What skills are needed?
    Who is the performer?
    How will it be observed?
    What kind of feedback?
  • What is the second stage of Qualitative Analysis?
    Watching or digitally recording the performance (in action)
  • What is the third stage of Qualitative Analysis?
    Whats the problem?
    Whats its cause?
    Whats its solution?
    Must be valid, reliable and controlled.
  • What is the 4th (last stage) of Qualitative Analysis?
    Error Correction:
    Feedback, practice modification, exaggeration, visual model, manual/mechanical guidance
  • What are all the stages of Qualitative Analysis?
    1. Preparation
    2. Observation
    3. Evaluation
    4. Error Correction
  • 3 main factors that influence movement?
    Individual, environmental and task constraints
  • What are the types of individual constraints? Describe them.
    Structural constraint is related to the individual’s body structure (height, weight)
    Functional constraint is related to behaviors (skill learning, attention)
  • What is Explicit learning in terms of coaching?
    Direct based coaching
  • What is Implicit learning in terms of coaching?
    Constraint based coaching
  • Practice Variability?
    Blocked - significant periods of time on one skill (closed environment)
    Random - short time on different skills (open environment)
  • Practice Distribution?
    Massed Practice - longer but less frequent training sessions
    Distributed Practice - shorter but more frequent training sessions
  • Practice Distribution?
    Ratio of Work to Rest
  • Practice Variability?
    One skill over and over again
    Many skills in a random order