Sociology & Science

Cards (41)

  • What is a central feature of today’s society?
  • How have science and technology impacted life?
    They have revolutionised practically every aspect of life
  • Who sought to establish sociology as a science?
    Modernist sociologists like Durkheim
  • What method did Durkheim use to increase knowledge of society?
    The scientific method
  • What do some argue about the study of society compared to science?
    It is fundamentally different from science
  • What are the features of science?
    • Reliability
    • Objectivity
    • Predictions
    • Falsification
    • Hypothetico-deductive method
  • What do positivists believe about sociology?
    It can be scientific and desirable
  • How do positivists view the subject matter of society?
    Similar to natural science, objective and factual
  • What do functionalists claim about cultural institutions?
    They restrict human behaviour through socialisation
  • How is human behaviour viewed by positivists?
    As caused and predictable like natural matter
  • What do positivists aim to produce about society?
    Scientific laws to predict future events
  • How can sociologists follow natural science research logic?
    By producing quantitative data and being objective
  • What method did Durkheim use to study suicide?
    Comparative method with official statistics
  • What did Durkheim find about suicide rates?
    They varied between countries and sub-groups
  • What scientific law did Durkheim develop about suicide?
    It is caused by too little or too much social control
  • What do interpretivists believe about sociology and natural sciences?
    It is unsuited to the study of human beings
  • What fundamental differences do interpretivists claim exist?
    Between the social world and the natural world
  • How do interpretivists view human reactions to external forces?
    They do not react in a causal way
  • What do interpretivists emphasize in human behavior?
    Feelings, meanings, and emotions
  • How do phenomenologists like Katz view crime?
    Guided by individual meanings, not just structure
  • What do interpretivists believe about achieving verstehen?
    We need to see the world from people's viewpoints
  • What do interpretivists claim about research subjectivity?
    All research is inevitably subjective and value-laden
  • What does Kuhn suggest about science?
    It is paradigmatic with fixed rules and principles
  • How does Kuhn view sociology in relation to science?
    It is pre-paradigmatic and lacks consensus
  • What is evident about sociology according to Kuhn?
    There are a range of theories and perspectives
  • What do critics of Kuhn question about science?
    Whether science itself has a paradigm
  • What do interpretivists favor in research methods?
    Qualitative methods like observation and interviews
  • What does a non-scientific approach generate?
    Data that is highly valid and insightful
  • What did Dobash and Dobash achieve through their research?
    A true understanding of women's experiences
  • What do interpretivists believe about studying suicide?
    It cannot be studied scientifically
  • How do interpretivists view official statistics on suicide?
    As social constructions shaped by coroners
  • What shapes suicidal behavior according to interpretivists?
    Individual meanings rather than wider society
  • What methods do sociologists use to discover meanings?
    Qualitative methods like interviews and documents
  • What do postmodernists reject about scientific truth?
    • All knowledge is uncertain
    • No scientific theory can claim truth
    • Reject meta-narratives and grand theories
  • Why do postmodernists see science as a meta-narrative?
    It has lost support due to human risks
  • What problems do postmodernists associate with rational thinking?
    It has failed in various contexts
  • What is the title of the recommended reading by Webb et al.?
    AQA A level Sociology, Book Two
  • What is the title of the recommended reading by Browne?
    Sociology for AQA Vol 2
  • What type of questions are included in the A-level sample questions?
    Outline and explain arguments
  • What is the focus of Paper 1 in the A-level sample questions?
    Arguments for sociology as a science