
Cards (46)

  • What do postmodernists claim about contemporary western societies?
    They have moved from modern to postmodern.
  • How is postmodernity characterized according to postmodernists?
    By an unstable, fragmented, media-saturated society.
  • What do some leading sociologists argue about the transition to postmodernity?
    We are in late or high modernity instead.
  • What time period does modernity cover?
    18th century to 1970s.
  • What is the key political unit in modern society?
    The nation-state.
  • What does the nation-state typically share among its population?
    Language and culture.
  • How does the state organize social life in modern society?
    On a national basis.
  • What is the economic system of modern societies?
  • What does capitalism rely on in modern societies?
    Private ownership and wage labor.
  • What is the relationship between capitalism and wealth distribution?
    Wealth distribution is unequal, causing class conflict.
  • What do Lash & Urry describe organized capitalism as?
    A system regulating capitalism's operations.
  • What production principles are evident in modern industry?
    Fordist principles of mass production.
  • How have cheap mass-produced goods affected living standards?
    They have led to a rising standard of living.
  • What type of thinking dominates modern societies?
    Rational, secular, and scientific thinking.
  • What forms of organization dominate social and economic life in modernity?
    Bureaucracies and factories.
  • What has become increasingly important in various fields due to modernity?
  • How has individualism changed in modern societies?
    Tradition and custom are less important.
  • What remains important despite greater personal freedom in modernity?
    Structural inequalities like class.
  • What has technological change allowed in modern society?
    Crossing continents in hours.
  • What has created time-space compression in modernity?
    Satellite communications and the internet.
  • What risks does technology bring on a global scale?
    Global climate change and rising sea levels.
  • Who argues that technological changes increase risks in society?
  • What does Rustin claim is the source of risk in society?
    Capitalism's pursuit of profit.
  • How is economic activity characterized in modern societies?
    Within global networks.
  • What type of economy is increasingly present in modernity?
    A weightless or electronic economy.
  • How does the electronic economy operate globally?
    Through global electronic networks.
  • What does Beck claim about economic change in late modern society?
    It involves increasing risks but possible progress.
  • What political change facilitated globalization?
    The fall of communism.
  • How has politics changed in modern societies?
    It has become more personalized and diverse.
  • What cultural change is noted in postmodern societies?
    The spread of Western culture.
  • How has globalization affected national identity?
    It undermines traditional sources of identity.
  • What has increased due to globalization in terms of population movement?
    Tourism, immigration, and multicultural societies.
  • What do postmodernists argue about the current era?
    We are living in a new era of postmodernity.
  • What is seen as the key driving force behind the shift to postmodern society?
  • What does Lyotard claim about truth in postmodernity?
    All knowledge is uncertain; no absolute truth exists.
  • How do postmodernists view traditional Marxism?
    As outdated and overly simplistic.
  • What does Heaton claim about modern lives?
    We lead "fragmentary lives."
  • What does postmodernism highlight about modernist theories?
    They are outdated and insufficient.
  • What has emerged due to the media's influence on culture?
    An unstable and fragmented culture.
  • How do individuals form their identity in postmodern societies?
    From a range of structures including class and ethnicity.