Ideas about personal identity

Cards (5)

  • Many people believe a combination of ideas to be true
  • Three views of personal identity:
    1. Physical
    2. Metaphysical
    3. Psychologal
  • Physical identity as psychological:
    • The physicalism view is that a functioning brain is essential to being a person
    • There are many changes to the body throughout life
    • So bodily 'identity' is about spatio-temporal continuity
  • Personal identity as metaphysical:
    • What is real about individuals is their unchanged conscious awareness
  • Personal identity as psychological:
    • A well-know example of this can be seen in the views of Parfit
    • During our lives there is connectedness to the past and the future, but no deeper and enduring level of 'self'
    • There is genetic and, in recent cases, psychological continuity with ancestors and, after death, with offspring and descendants