Research Design

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  • The research design is a plan that presents how the researcher intends to study an empirical question.
  • The research design broadly encompasses the entire research process from the formulation of the research questions, the review of related literature, the development of the framework, and the selection of data gathering and analysis techniques.
  • Descriptive Research Design emphasizes on collecting, organizing, and presenting the target population through one or more variables.
  • Data collection for Quantitative Research Design may be accomplished through primary data gathering using surveys, interviews, and field observation.
  • The 2 most common research design are Descriptive and Correlational Quantitative Research.
  • Correlational Research Design is used to establish or explore relationships, or interdependence between two or more aspects.
  • The main method of analysis for Descriptive Research Design is Descriptive statistics.
  • Correlational Research Design measures the nature, degree, and direction of the relationships between two or more variables.
  • The main method of analysis for Correlational Research Design is Hypothesis Testing.
  • Experimental Research Design is a design that is based on scientific activity, where a variable or group of variables are manipulated or controlled to know if a formulated hypothesis is valid or displays truthfulness.
  • True Experimental uses a random selection of participants, is free from bias and ensures objectivity of results, and is the best design to use when examining causal relationships.
  • There are two types of experimental research: True Experimental and Quasi-Experimental.
  • Quasi-Experimental design is prone to bias since the researcher purposely selects the participants, is incapable of determining cause and relationships, and is not recommended for research.
  • Research Design is a plan that presents how the researcher intends to study an empirical question
  • Research Design is often confused with methodology
  • Methodology is a system or a method that discusses the approach used in data collection.
  • The 3 types of research designs are Descriptive, Correlational, and Experimental.
  • Data Collection it is accomplished through primary data gathering using surveys, interviews, and field observation.
  • Descriptive Research Design puts emphasis on collecting, organizing, and presenting the target population.
  • Correlational Research Design answers the question How are the things related?
  • Descriptive Research Design answers the question What is
  • Experimental Research Design is based on scientific activity called an experiment
  • Experimental Research Design variables or group of variables are manipulated or controlled to know if a formulated hypothesis is valid or displays truthfulness.
  • Some experimental research designs, primary area of interest under investigation are not manipulated by the researchers.