
Cards (89)

  • What does the term "humanities" derive from?
    Latin word humanus
  • What does humanities study?
    Different cultural aspects of man
  • What does humanities record about man?
    His quest for answers about life
  • What do humanities express?
    Man's feelings and thoughts
  • What is the aim of humanities in education?
    To shape students' subjective energies
  • Why does man need an image of himself?
    For self-understanding
  • How do humanities help in the development of a social man?
    By providing understanding of his nature
  • What does the etymology of "art" derive from?
    Aryan root word AR
  • What does the Latin word "ars" mean?
    Skills or ability
  • What areas does art cover?
    Visual arts, literature, music, dance
  • How does art express aesthetic ideas?
    By using skill and imagination
  • What are the three divisions of the arts?
    Visual, auditory, combined/performing arts
  • What is one purpose of the arts?
    Create beauty
  • How does art reveal truth?
    By expressing deeper meanings
  • What does art immortalize?
    Significant moments and experiences
  • How does art express religious values?
    Through various artistic forms
  • What does art create in society?
    Order and harmony
  • What is a basic assumption of art?
    Art is created by all people at all times
  • Why is experience important in appreciating art?
    There can be no appreciation without experience
  • What distinguishes art from nature?
    Art is made by man
  • What is the function of the artist?
    To help us understand the nature of things
  • How have humanities evolved over time?
    From cave painters to modern artists
  • When do experts believe prehistoric paintings were created?
    Upper Paleolithic Age
  • What did prehistoric men showcase through their art?
    Innermost interests and thoughts
  • How long have humanities existed?
    Long before the term was coined
  • What is the task of every human person regarding humanities?
    To participate in humanizing themselves
  • What is the date of the exploration of the cave in Altamira?
  • What did the explorers find in the cave of Altamira?
    Pictures of a wild boar and bison
  • What is the course title for ARTA111?
    Art Appreciation
  • What does the study of humanities witness about human evolution?
    Man evolved culturally and physically
  • What is the primary focus of visual arts?
    Art forms the population is most exposed to
  • How do humanities bear witness to humanizing oneself?
    By participating in a long tradition
  • Name three mediums of visual arts.
    Paintings, sculptures, digital imaging
  • What does filmmaking focus on?
    Aesthetic, cultural, and social value
  • What are the key purposes of the arts?
    • Create beauty
    • Provide decoration
    • Reveal truth
    • Immortalize experiences
    • Express religious values
    • Record experiences
    • Create order and harmony
  • What is the main medium used in performance art?
    The human body
  • What are the basic assumptions of art?
    • Art is created by all people at all times
    • Art involves experience for appreciation
    • Art is not nature; nature is not art
    • Art is made by man and is everywhere
    • Art is man's oldest means of expression
    • Art serves as a means of expression and communication
  • How does poetry express emotions?
    Through words instead of visual mediums
  • What is architecture often referred to as?
    The "mother of the arts"
  • What materials are commonly used in architecture?
    Stone, concrete, brick, wood