Syllabary and Alphabet – Illustrates the development of information processing to handle larger amounts of data with greater abstraction
Media Globalization – Refers to the internationalization of national media systems, making them more open to outside influences in content, ownership, and control
Electronic Media – Includes television, radio, internet, fax, CD-ROMs, DVD, and other mediums that rely on electricity or digital encoding
Computer – Considered the most important media influencing globalization
Writing – Humankind’s principaltechnology for collecting, manipulating, storing, retrieving, communicating, and disseminating information
Global Village – Expresses the idea that people worldwide are interconnected through new media technologies
Marshall McLuhan – Coined the term "global village" in the 1960s
World Music – An umbrella category for traditional and non-Western music produced for Western consumption
Oral Communication – The oldest and most enduring form of media
Printing Press – A device enabling the mass production of uniform printed materials such as books, pamphlets, and newspapers
True – Written and orderly arrangements of documents are done through script for dissemination to other places
False – The introduction of cellphones → The introduction of television was a defining moment in globalization
False – Lands and culture were learned through rituals → Lands and culture were learned through travels
False – The term electronic media is often used in reference to print media → The term electronic media is often used in contrast to print media
True – Music participates in reinforcing cultural and identity boundaries
False – Revolutionized by a host of new media in the beginning of the 19thcentury → New media revolutionized globalization processes at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century
True – The change in popular music is not an outcome of globalization but rather a part of its phenomenon
True – In the 20th century, radio was the only mass media available in remote villages, and film soon developed as an artistic medium
True – Sharing information facilitateshuman adaptation and movement to new environments
True – Companies involved in globalization include Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Facebook