Types of Conformity

Cards (8)

  • 1.Compliance= publicly going along with the group to gain approval.
  • 2.Identification= going along with the group to become a member of it.
  • 3.Internalisation= accepting the viewpoint of the group because you think it's right, so we internalise it as our own.
  • Compliance:
    • Involves social comparison
    • No private acceptance of their behaviour/ views
    • Temporary change (you go back to normal when away from the group)
    • Seen as the most superficial type of conformity
  • Identification:
    • You identify with the group characteristics
    • Change in behaviour/ views will be public & can be some private change
    • Change will last as long as group membership is important
    • Seen as mid-level conformity
  • Internalisation:
    • Involves the process of validation to see if they are right & then amending your own views
    • Leads to public & private change
    • Change is likely to be permanent
    • Seen as the deepest level of conformity
  • Kelman (1958) thought there were 3 types of conformity: compliance, identification & internalisation.
  • Conformity= a form of social influence that results in a change in a person's behaviour or values as a result of a real or imagined pressure from a reference group, but there is no explicit command or request to do so.