Aphid experiments

Cards (12)

  • What do aphids feed on?
    Phloem sap
  • How do aphids study phloem sap?
    By inserting their stylets into sieve tubes
  • What does the flow of sap after aphid removal indicate?
    Sap is under positive pressure
  • What hypothesis is supported by aphid experiments?
    The pressure-flow hypothesis
  • What does the pressure-flow hypothesis explain?
    How sucrose moves from source to sink
  • How can the rate of translocation be measured using aphids?
    By analyzing sap emergence from stylets
  • What does the position of aphids along a stem indicate?
    How quickly sugars move in the phloem
  • What does the bidirectional flow in phloem indicate?
    Sugars move from sources to sinks
  • What is the role of radioactive tracers in aphid experiments?
    To track movement of labeled sugars
  • What happens when plants are exposed to radioactive CO₂?
    It is incorporated into glucose via photosynthesis
  • What do aphid experiments provide evidence for?
    Translocation in the phloem
  • What are the key findings from aphid experiments regarding phloem transport?
    • The phloem is under pressure
    • Sugar moves at a measurable rate
    • Transport occurs in both directions
    • The process can be tracked using radioactive tracers