
Cards (18)

  • Biological Molecules
  • Biological Molecules Elements
    • Carbohydrates - C,H,O
    • Lipids - C,H,O
    • Proteins - C,H,O,N,S
    • Nucleic Acids - C,H,O,N,P
  • proteins - made up of one or 4 more large polymers, creating a macromolecule
  • Primary Structure
    • basic sequence, number and type of amino acids in polypeptide,determined by the codons sequence in mRNA
    • structure determines the function
    • bonds: peptide bonds
  • Secondary Structure -
    • the sequence of amino acids causes parts of a protein to bend into alpha-helix / beta-pleated sheets
    • shape depends on hydrogen bonding
    -> bonds form between O electronegative attached to C=O & H electropositive attached to -NH
    • alpha-helix , all N-H bonds on same side of chain (held by bonds) spiral shape, hydrogen bonds parallel to helical axis
    • beta-pleated sheets, N-H + C=O groups on alternate from one side to another
  • Tertiary Structure -
    • 3D structure formed by further folding
    • Disulfide Bridges, strong S-S bonds between molecules of amino acids cysteine
    • Ionic Bonding, relatively strong bonds between charged R groups (pH changes cause these bonds to break)
    • Hydrogen Bonding, numerous and easily broken
  • Quaternary Structure -
    • functional proteins may consist of more than one polypeptide
    • precise 3D structure held together by same bonds as tertiary structure
    • may involve an addition of prosthetic groups e.g. metal ions or phosphate groups
  • Hydrogen Bonds -
    • formed between hydrogen atoms with slightly positive charge + other atoms with a slightly negative charge
    • in amino acids, they form in hydroxl, carboxyl + amino groups
    • they may form between polar areas of R groups
    -> these in particular are involved in keeping the tertiary + quaternary structure in shape
    • a lot of hydrogen bonds = collective strength
  • Ionic Bonding -
    • electrostatic attraction between two oppositely charged ions
    • can form between hydroxyl + amino group that are part of R groups
    -> these ionise into NH3+ and COO+ groups
  • Disulfide Links -
    strong covalent bonds
    • R groups of amino acids cysteine contains sulphur
    • disulfide bridges are formed between R groups of the cysteine
  • Hydrophilic + Hydrophobic Interactions
    • interaction causes twisting of amino acid chain which changes shape of protein
    • can be a very important influence given that most proteins are to be found surrounded by water inside a living organism
  • globular :
    • spherical + compact
    • hyprophobic face inwards,usually water soluble
    • involved in metabolic processes e.g enzymes such as amylase and insulin
    fibrous :
    • regular repetitive sequences of amino acids + usually insoluble
    • enables to form fibres + tend to have structural function
  • Haemoglobin
    • made of 4 polypeptide chain
    • 2 alpha-globin + 2 beta-globin
    • the chain are each tertiary structure and together form haemoglobin
    • outside each chain , there's an empty space for haem group
    -> haem group contains an iron ion which o2 binds to, when it does haemoglobin turns from purple red to bright red
  • Pepsin
    • single polypeptide of 327 amino acids that fold into a symmetrical tertiary structure
    • has 4 amino acids in basic R groups + 43 amino acids in acidic R groups
    • the reason it's stable in stomach is because it has little effect on enzyme structure
    • held by 2 disulfide links + hydrogen bonds
  • Insulin
    • 2 polypeptide chains
    • A chain starts with alpha-helix, B chain ends with beta-pleats
    • both chains fold in to tertiary structure + then joined by disulfide links
    • hydrophilic on outside so it's soluble in water
    • insulin binds to glycoprotein receptors on muscle cells
  • Keratin
    • rich in cysteine so lots of disulfide bridges form between its polypeptide + hydrogen bonding
    • keratin is found where a body part needs to be hard + strong
    • found in finger nail, hair etc
    • barrier to infection + waterproof from water pollutants
  • Collagen
    • artery walls, a layer of collagen prevent artery from bursting with withstanding high b.p.
    • tendons are made of collagen + connect muscles to bones , allowing to pull on muscles
    • bones are made of collagen, and then reinforced with calcium phosphate (CaPO) which makes them hard
    • cartilage + connective tissues are made of collagen
  • Elastin
    • highly coiled structure
    • crossed links with other peptide bonds (quaternary structure)
    • cross-linking + coiling makes the structure of elastin strong + flexible
    • found where living things need to stretch to adapt as part of life processes
    • recoils when deformed
    • found in skin, lungs, bladder + blood vessels