
Cards (8)

  • Optical
    first sort to be used
    used in school, colleges and research laboratories because they are:
    pros : cons :
    relatively cheap up to x2000
    able to study Living cells 200 nm resolution
    easy to use and portable
  • optical microscope
    • lenses focus rays of light and magnify the view of the thin piece or specimen
    • different structures absorb different amount and wavelengths of light
    reflected light is transmitted to the observer via the eyepiece and objective lenses
  • Laser scanning confocal
    uses a laser beam of light to illuminate chemical stains within specimen + then fluoresce
    • used in medical research
    fluorophores emit photons
    Photomultiplier tube amplifies the signal onto a detector
    pros : cons:
    living cells more expensive than light
    higher resolution than light more complex than light
    can observe cell processes by
    tracking molecules
  • Transmission EM
    uses focused electron beam through sections of tissues
    more dense structures appear darker as they absorb many electrons
    focus images onto fluorescent screen or photomicrograph plate using magnetic lenses
    2D black n white
  • Transmission EM
    pros : cons:
    up to x500,000 dead cells only
    can see detail inside cells harsh chemicals during prep
    0.5 nm which can cause artefact
    need skill to use
  • Scanning EM
    focused electron beam on to specimen's surface using electromagnetic lenses
    reflected electron hit off a collecting device and are amplified to produce an image on a photographic plate
    3D greyscale
  • Scanning EM
    pros : cons:
    up to x500000 only dead cells
    3-10nm harmful chemicals used in
    can see details of structure's surfaces prep which can cause
  • how to prepare a wet temporary mount of tissue
    O- obtain a thin piece of specimen
    A-add a drop of water
    S- Stain tissue on slide to make structure more visible
    C-add a coverslip using mounted needle at 45° to avoid air bubbles