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    • what is msm
      • The multi store memory model was developed by atkinson and shiffrin represents how memory is stored, transferred, retrieved and forgotten. It consists of 3 stores which are linked by processes that transfer information between stores.
      • The first store in this model is the sensory register this is the place where info is held at each of the senses
      • it has a very large capacity but a short duration as most info doesn't get payed attention to and is in there for milliseconds when this information is payed attention to it transfers into the...
      • short term memory
      which has a limited capacity and duration used for immediate tasks then for information to go into the third store it requires maintenance rehearsal which is repeating info so it can be remembered (in STM) , lack=forget info
      prolonged MT means it goes into the...
    • long term memory
      • which is potentially unlimited in capacity and duration
      • once this info is needed to be accessed it goes back through the short term memory and this process is called retrieval
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