Cards (13)

  • What’s defines class?
    BBC great British class survey included - household income, own or renting, savings, cultural and social capital
  • Accent
    sounds made when words are pronounced
  • received pronunciation
    non regional british accent, associated with middle class and above
  • regional accent
    associated with specific area of the country
  • dialect
    describes the words and grammar people use
  • standard english
    dialect of English that people think of as ‘accurate’ or ‘correct’
  • regional dialects
    associated with specific area in the country
  • prestige forms
    varieties of language associated with high status speakers, includes the prestige accent and the dialect
  • overt prestige
    brings status associated with wealth and education
  • covert prestige
    brings status associated with toughness, resilience and authenticity
  • covert prestige
    Status associated with toughness, resilience and authenticity
  • prescriptivism
    attempts to say what language should be like, usually decide what is right or wrong based on historical use
  • descriptivism
    attempts to say what language is actually like rather than what it should be like