Test Cross is when you breed an organism with a homozygous recessive. All dominant phenotype would be PP, 1/2 and 1/2 phenotype would be heterozygous
Mendel's 4 laws?
Different alleles --> different traits
2 copies of genes are inherited
Dominant and recessive genes
Law of segregation
Law of segregation: Occurs during meiosis and with homologous chromosomes. Essentially the parents have a 50-50 chance of passing on a particular chromosome
Benedict tests for free ketones and aldehyde
Iodine tests for coils of glucose
buiret tests for peptide bonds
Benedicts test positive is red/orange, or blue negative
Iodine and buiret are not heated
black/purple = positive for Iodine and yellow/brown = negative for Iodine
Buiret will turn purple if positive and blue if negative