Cards (7)

  • There are links between the thinking of Process Theology and that of Dual-aspect Monism
  • Both Process Theology and Dual-aspect Monism are associated with Panpsychism:
    • this takes the view that every entity has some level of consciousness
    • it claims that there is no cut-off point for consciousness
  • Panpsychism= the view that all entities are to some extent conscious. Consciousness is not limited to humans and other animals
  • David Griffin claims that God and the universe exist panentheistically:
    • God is in the universe and the universe is in God, with God as the 'soul' of the universe
  • Objective immortality means that after death, every entity survives in the mind of God:
    • For humans, that means actions, thoughts and ideas exist eternally as objects in the memory of the eternal God
    • Such survival is part of the total experience of God/the universe, so there is no sense of personal continuity with the individual who lived before
  • Objective immortality- after death, every entity survives in the mind of Gid
  • Some Process theologians think in terms of subjective immortality:
    • They think that God has the power to enable the survival of individuals in such a way that there is continuity of identity