Cards (31)

  • Concrete noun
    Objects which are considered to have a physical existence
  • proper noun
    names of people or places
  • abstract noun
    refers to states, feelings or concepts that are not tangible
  • collective noun
    denotes a group
  • Dynamic verb
    describes action
  • state verb
    describes a state of being
  • auxiliary verb
    supports main verb in sentence
  • modal verb
    verb of possibility
    epistemic - possibility and prediction
    deontic - obligation and permission
  • factual adjective
    identifies facts about the noun
  • opinionated adjective
    identifies opinions about the noun
  • comparative adjective
    identifies a comparison between nouns
  • superlative adjective
    identifies an extreme when comparing nouns
  • compound adjective
    when two or more words join together to form an adjective
  • definite article
    using the to determine the noun
  • indefinite article
    using a or an to determine the noun
  • manner adverb
    identifies how the verb is done
  • time adverb
    identifies when the verb is done
  • frequency adverb
    identifies how often the verb is done
  • personal pronoun
    refers to people
    1st - I or We
    2nd - you
    3rd - he or she
  • possessive pronoun
    shows belonging
  • demonstrative determiner
    identified which noun is being spoken about
  • quantifier determiner
    shows quantities of the noun
  • subordinate connective
    connectives which make the subordinate clause of a complex sentence
  • coordinating connectives
    FANBOYS which make compound sentences (for, and, not, but, or, yet, so)
  • semantic field
    Collection of words related by topic
  • synonyn
    words with similar meanings
  • antonym
    words with opposite meanings
  • dysphemism
    blunt and direct option over the polite one
  • euphemism
    more socially acceptable word or phrase
  • pejoration
    word developing a more negative meaning over time
  • amelioration
    word developing a more positive meaning over time