Cards (13)

  • what are the four definitions of abnormality?
    • statistical infrequency
    • failure to function adequately
    • deviation from social norms
    • deviation from ideal mental health
  • what is statistical infrequency?
    a behaviour or characteristic that is unusual in a population in terms of data
  • what is deviation from social norms?
    a behaviour that goes against what is largely accepted in society
  • what is a strength of statistical infrequency?
    real world application as a way of diagnosing and assessing severity of an individual's symptoms
  • what is a weakness of statistical infrequency?
    unusual characteristics are not necessarily negative, for example an IQ of over 130
  • what is a strength of deviation from social norms?
    real world application in the diagnosis of anti-social personality disorder
  • what is a weakness of deviation from social norms?
    cultural relativism, as not all cultures have the same norms - this is a westernised view
  • what is failure to function adequately?
    when a person can no longer cope with the demands of everyday life
  • what is deviation from ideal mental health?
    a picture of how a person should be in terms of psychological health (Jahoda, 1958)
  • what is a strength of failure to function adequately?
    represents a threshold for professional help for people who experience severe symptoms
  • what is a weakness of failure to function adequately?
    discrimination and social control, as non-standard lifestyles can easily be labelled as abnormal
  • what is a strength of deviation from ideal mental health?
    it is a very comprehensive definition for distinguishing mental health from a mental disorder
  • what is a weakness of deviation from ideal mental health?
    may be culture-bound, as ideal mental health cannot be applicable world wide as the criteria is located in the context of the US and western europe