people who interact with one another and share characteristics
What is a stereotype ?
widely held but fixed and oversimplified idea of a particular person or type
What is a barrier to participation?
something preventing someone taking part in physical activity
What are agencies?
organisations who encourage and support participation
What’s the types of agencies?
Sport England, UKSI, youth sport trust
What strategies do agencies use?
Promotion, provision, access
What is promotion?
Convincing people to take part
What is provision?
Coaching equipment and facilities in order for people to take part
What is access?
Opportunity to take part like travel or clubs
What does promotion do?
Increases media coverage and creates more role models
What does provision do?
provides facilities and activities and increases activity in women’s sport
What? What does access do?
make sport more Affordable and allows cultural dress code
What are some of the trends in sport?
more males take part in sport than females, there’s been an increasing participation in cricket, rugby and football, participation on 16 years and older is greater in higher social economic groups
What are some barriers to gender?
Sexism, male dominated culture, lack of time as of childcare
What are some barriers to age?
School, disposable income, limited clubs
what are some barriers to people?
Travel, money, lack of influence from family
What’s the barriers for ethnicity?
Discrimination, lack of role models
What are the barriers of disability?
Accessibility, lack of influence, equipment expensive
What does GAPED stand for?
social groups - Gender, age, people, ethnicity, disability
What is the current trend of gender?
Men are more likely to participate than women, and are more organised
What is the current trend in age?
Age can limit what sport individual may do with age groups and participation decreases from 16 to 24-year-olds
What is the current trend of people?
high socio-economic groups, participate more than lower socio-economic groups because lower socio- economic groups, lack transport and equipment
What is the trend in ethnicity?
people from white background is more likely to participate than others, traditional cultures are encouraged, but dress codes make participation difficult
What is the current trend in disability?
Disabled people are twice as likely to be physically inactive as 1 in 5 have a long-term illness
How does climate positively affect participation?
altitude helps with endurance and you could do activities like skiing and snowboarding
how does climate negatively affect participation?
maybe too hot or too cold to participate and wind and rain might disrupt participation in summer sports
How can the environment positively impact participation?
Access to good facilities near you, you have access to green space and you may live near mountains and seas for other sports
how does the environment negatively affect participation?
access to poor facilities, you may live without a garden, playing service may be too hard or too soft as in frozen, and there could be unsafe areas because of pollution
How does media positively affect sport?
promotes and encourages excercise, Healthy living and motivation through role models
how does media negatively affects sport?
reinforces unhealthy lifestyle and could be negative role models, could make people feel inadequate
How does age and education positively impact sport?
Great opportunity and provision for school-age children, they experience new opportunities are encouraged to meet new people and participate
What are the barriers for age and education and participation?
Adult see less free time as of work and people can be focused on exams or have had bad experiences
How does work and time negatively affect sport?
Less leisure time due to full-time work and clubs are only on at certain times
How does work in time positively affect sport?
Companies who build leisure facilities within the workplace, make it easier for employees to keep fit and active which helps manage stress
How does socio economics, negatively impact sport?
most sports cost a lot of money because of equipment and memberships, which lower socio-economic groups do not have
How does socio-economics impact sport positively?
concessions for children and the elderly, higher socio-economic groups are more likely to take part in a wide range of activities, and some sports are affordable and accessible