Ping and IPconfig

Cards (20)

  • Ping uses ICMP to return the status of a unicast to see if a machine is alive.
  • Ping can be used to test connectivity between two machines.
  • ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol.
  • Ping -n: Change the number of pings sent (Default is 4).
  • Ping -l: change the size of the ping packets.
  • Ping -t: Pings continuously.
  • Ping -4: Force an IPv4 ping.
  • Ping -6: Force an Ipv6 ping.
  • Ipconfig displays TCP/IP configuration.
  • Ipconfig /all: Full information for TCP/IP configuration
  • Ipconfig /renew: request configurations from a DHCP server (Problems with DHCP).
  • Ipconfig /renew: A computer may have obtained the wrong address or changes on the DHCP server that it hasn’t gotten yet.
  • ipconfig /renew: Releases address back to the server and pulls the address back with a DHCP renew.
  • Ipconfig /release: removes configurations obtained through DHCP.
  • Ipconfig /displaydns: displays the local DNS cache.
  • ipconfig /displaydns: Displays all the visited websites.
  • A computer stores website information in cache every time it visits it.
  • Ipconfig /flushdns: Clears the local DNS cache.
  • Ipconfig /flushdns: Useful when the DNS is having problems resolving names.
  • netstat -a display all connections and listening ports