Biological molecules

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  • Elements in Proteins: CHONS
  • Elements of Carbohydrates and lipids: Carbon,Hydrogen,Oxygen
  • Building blocks of Carbohydrates:
    Monosaccarides: Simple sugars like Glucose and fructose
    Disaccharides: 2 simple sugars joined together like Lactose, sucrose, maltose (LSM)
    Polysaccharides: Polymers that are made up of lots of sugars:Glycogen,Chintin, Cellulose,Starch (GCCS)
  • What is Starch: A plant based polysaccaride that is entirely composed of glucose.
    Starch breaks into 2 forms: amylose (simplest form ) and amylopectin (more complex)
  • What is Glycogen?
    Glycogen is an animal starch stored in the liver and muscles of vertebrates.
  • Building blocks of Proteins: Amino acids
  • Building blocks of lipids: 1 glycerol, 3 fatty acids
  • Name of bonds for Protein,Carbohydrates, and lipids
    Protein: Peptide bond
    Lipids:Ester bond
    Carbohydrate Bonds: Glycosidic
  • How to make Polymers:
    Dehydration Synthesis: An anabolic process by which two molecules are chemically bonded through the use of enzymes and a loss of water.
  • How to break polymers:
    Hydrolysis: is a catabolic process by which the bond between monomers are broken by the enzyme and the addition of water.
  • Enzymes: Biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions in the body but without itself undergoing any pernament chemical change
  • Enzymes are specific-they can only catalyse one type or group of reaction.
  • What are 3 things that animal and plant cells have in common?
    Nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane
  • What are 3 things that animal and plant cells don't have in common?
    Cellulose cell wall ,Large vacuole and chloroplast