planting trees and bushes

Cards (8)

  • What is one effective method to combat desertification in the Sahel?
    Planting trees and bushes
  • How does planting trees and bushes help the soil?
    It shelters the soil from erosion
  • What effect does tree cover have on rainwater?
    It allows rainwater to soak into the ground
  • How do trees reduce the impact of raindrops on the soil?
    By providing cover to the soil
  • What role do tree roots play in soil preservation?
    They help bind the soil together
  • What can happen to soil that is not protected by trees?
    It can be washed or blown away
  • What are the overall benefits of tree planting in combating desertification?
    It restores vegetation and enhances soil quality
  • Why is tree planting considered a crucial strategy against desertification?
    It improves soil quality and restores vegetation