Good nutrition can lead to optimised general bodily function, disease and illness protection and prevention, more energy synthesis, a healthy body-healthy mind state of mind, positive outlook, improved concentration, and quicker recovery from injury or illness.
Malnutrition can lead to organ function failure, general bodily function impairment, disease and illness protection and prevention, more energy expenditure, underweight, tired, weak, low stamina, failure to thrive/develop.
Nutrient dense foods are foods which provide a high amount of nutrition per unit of weight.
Micronutrients are needed in small amounts by the body.
Proteins, lipids (fats) and carbohydrates are nutrients.
Vitamins and minerals are nutrients.
A balanced diet provides a person with the right amount of nutrients for their needs.
A diet is the foods people eat every day.
Good nutrition involves eating a wide variety of foods (mainly plant foods) that are mostly unprocessed (whole foods) and drinking plenty of water.
Malnutrition is an insufficient, excessive or imbalanced intake of nutrients and energy that affects general health, body growth and functions and leads to a range of diet related diseases.