Carbon Cycle

Cards (27)

  • What is the main focus of the video on free size UK?
    Describing the carbon cycle processes
  • What is the first key fact about the carbon cycle?
    The carbon cycle starts with carbon dioxide
  • How does carbon enter the carbon cycle?
    Through photosynthesis
  • What do plants combine with carbon dioxide during photosynthesis?
  • What do plants produce during photosynthesis?
    Sugar glucose
  • What energy source is used in photosynthesis?
    Light energy
  • Who carries out photosynthesis?
    Plants and algae
  • What process returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?
    Aerobic respiration
  • What is the difference between respiration and breathing?
    Respiration is not the same as breathing
  • What are the two key processes in the carbon cycle?
    Photosynthesis and respiration
  • How do plants and algae use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?
    To make carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • What happens to carbon in plants and algae after respiration?
    Some carbon is released as carbon dioxide
  • What can happen to plants and algae in the food chain?
    They can be eaten by animals
  • What happens to carbon when animals eat plants?
    It becomes part of their cells
  • What do animals release back to the atmosphere?
    Carbon dioxide through respiration
  • What waste products do animals produce?
  • What happens to animals and plants after they die?
    They produce carbon and waste products
  • Who breaks down dead remains and waste products?
    Decomposing microorganisms
  • What do decomposers return to the atmosphere?
    Carbon dioxide through respiration
  • What additional role do decomposers play in the ecosystem?
    They release mineral ions to the soil
  • What can hinder the function of decomposers?
    A lack of oxygen
  • What can happen to carbon in dead remains under certain conditions?
    It can be converted to fossil fuels
  • How long does it take for carbon to be trapped as fossil fuels?
    Millions of years
  • What has been happening to fossil fuels over the last 200 years?
    Humans have been burning them
  • What is the result of burning fossil fuels?
    It releases carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere
  • Where can students find more questions on the carbon cycle?
    In the revision workbook
  • What can students do to access the revision workbook?
    Click on the link above