Modern Farming Methods

Cards (19)

  • What should you be able to describe by the end of the video?
    How to improve food production efficiency
  • What are the advantages of modern farming techniques?
    They improve efficiency of biomass transfer
  • Why do some people have ethical objections to intensive farming methods?
    They believe animals should engage in natural behavior
  • What percentage of biomass is transferred from one trophic level to the next?
    About 10%
  • What happens to the material eaten by an animal?
    Not all material is digested and absorbed
  • What is one reason biomass is lost during respiration?
    Energy is used for movement
  • Why do free-range chickens have less biomass available for growth?
    They use energy to maintain body temperature
  • What is a problem associated with free-range chickens?
    Biomass is used in respiration
  • How do intensive farming methods improve biomass transfer efficiency?
    By restricting movement and controlling temperature
  • What is factory farming also known as?
    Intensive farming
  • What is one advantage of indoor chickens compared to free-range chickens?
    They produce more eggs
  • What is a disadvantage of factory farming?
    Infectious diseases can spread easily
  • Why are antibiotics used in factory farms?
    To prevent the spread of infectious diseases
  • What is a potential risk of using antibiotics in farming?
    Increased risk of antibiotic-resistant bacteria
  • How can crowded conditions affect animals in factory farms?
    They can become more stressed and aggressive
  • What do ethical objections to intensive farming focus on?
    Animal welfare and natural behavior
  • How do free-range chickens engage in natural behavior?
    By foraging for insects in the soil
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of factory farming?
    • More efficient food production
    • Less biomass wasted in respiration
    • Controlled nutrient intake for animals
    • Easier egg harvesting

    • Spread of infectious diseases
    • Use of antibiotics increases resistance
    • Crowded conditions cause stress
  • How do modern farming methods improve biomass transfer efficiency?
    • Restrict animal movement
    • Control environmental temperature
    • Provide high-protein diets
    • Reduce energy used for movement